CO.CO.MAT (2005-2017)
Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter
SFB/TRR 21 - Stuttgart, Ulm, Tübingen
 © Universität Stuttgart | Impressum


Raphaël Butté
Chen Chin
Jeroen Custers
Tilman Esslinger
Michael Fleischhauer
Rudolf Gross
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl
Herwig Ott
Gil Refael
Joseph Thywissen
Alexey Ustinov

Please download program here.

Registration for participation and poster contributions are welcome and should be made by using the registration form on the web page.
The number of attendees is limited.

We ask for a conference fee of

500 € for external participants
100 € for SFB-participants and PIs

The fee includes all meals, accommodation and talks.

Deadline for registration is October 25th, 2010.

For further information please e-mail to: