A |
Project area A: Tuning quantum correlations in spin systems |
| A1 | Simple and complex quantum dot systems as model systems for investigating and controlling coherence and correlation effects (2005-2013) | K. v. Klitzing, J. Weis, D. Wharam |
| A2 | Dipolar quantum gases (2005-2017) | A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau |
| A3 | Light-matter states with magnetic molecules (2005-2013) | M. Dressel, M. Scheffler, J. v. Slageren |
| A4 | Tunable decoherence in atomic quantum dots (2005-2009) | T. Pfau, J. Stuhler, U. Weiss |
| A5 | Tailored 0-π Josephson junctions as a macroscopic quantum system (2005-2017) | E. Goldobin, R. Kleiner, W. P. Schleich |
| A6 | Transport through quantum dots out of equilibrium (2009-2013) | A. Muramatsu |
| A7 | Controlling many-body quantum systems (2009-2017) | T. Calarco, S. Montangero |
| A8 | Charged impurities in an ultracold gas of atoms (2010-2017) | J. Hecker Denschlag |
B |
Project area B: Controlling quantum phase transitions |
| B1 | Strongly correlated quantum gases in optical lattices (2005-2009) | A. Muramatsu, R. Walser, M. Weitz |
| B2 | Ultracold atoms in non-standard optical lattices (2005-2007) | L. Santos |
| B4 | Strongly correlated fermions in and out of equilibrium (2005-2017) | B. Deissler, J. Hecker Denschlag, A. Muramatsu, S. Wessel |
| B5 | Non-equilibrium dynamics of trapped gases in controlled geometries (2005-2009) | W. P. Schleich, R. Walser |
| B6 | Ordered states in strongly interacting Rydberg gases (2009-2017) | H. P. Büchler, T. Pfau |
| B7 | Mixtures in dynamical lattices (2009-2013) | C. Zimmermann |
| B8 | Resonant dipole-dipole interactions with polar molecules (2009-2017) | H. P. Büchler, S. Wessel |
| B10 | Excitonic energy transport in Rydberg gases (2013-2017) | S. Hofferberth, R. Löw |
| B11 | Quantum simulator with engineered spin arrays in diamond (2013-2017) | F. Jelezko, U. Kaiser, M. B. Plenio |
C |
Project area C: Engineering hybrid quantum systems |
| C1 | Dynamics of collective atom-light states (2005-2008) | M. Weitz |
| C2 | Superconducting microtraps (2005-2017) | J. Ankerhold, T. Dahm, J. Fortágh, D. Kölle |
| C3 | Coherent control in coupled quantum dot systems (2005-2017) | M. Jetter, P. Michler, O. Schmidt |
| C4 | Diamond defect centers (2005-2017) | P. Neumann, J. Wrachtrup |
| C5 | Micro ion traps (2005-2011) | F. Schmidt-Kaler |
| C9 | Molecular nanostructures and quantum gases (2011-2017) | J. Fortágh |
| C10 | Interactions between Cold Atoms and Nanostructures (2011-2013) | T. Judd |
| C11 | Quantum coherence in light-harvesting complexes (2013-2017) | R. Ghosh, S. Huelga, F. Jelezko, M. B. Plenio |
| C12 | Strongly interacting single photons in an ultra-cold Rydberg gas (2013-2017) | S. Hofferberth |
Other projects |
| Ö | CO.CO.MAT goes public (2009-2017) | J. Fortágh, R. Löw, T. Pfau |
| MGK | Integrated research training group (2009-2017) | F. Jelezko, R. Kleiner, R. Löw |