Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Wednesday, March 29th, 2017 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Ciprian Padurariu, Aalto University, Finland Signatures of non-local transport in hybrid and superconducting junctions | Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Andrea Alberti, Universität Bonn Discrete-time simulations with quantum walks in optical lattices | Friday, March 17th, 2017 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Giacomo Giudice, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Transport Properties in Open Spin-1/2 Chains using Matrix Product States | Friday, February 10th, 2017 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/2103 | Vaclav Špička, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Non-equilibrium dynamics of open quantum systems Limits to simplified description by Generalized Master Equations | Thursday, February 9th, 2017 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Michał Tomza, University of Warsaw, Centre of New Technologies Quantum-chemical approach to ultracold atoms and molecules | Thursday, February 2nd, 2017 14:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Jesus Perez-Rios, Purdue University West Lafayette (Indiana USA) Anisotropic many-body interaction with ultracold Rydberg molecules | Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Jesus Perez-Rios, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana USA Rotational relaxation processes of molecular ions immersed in a buffer gas and optical trapping of molecular ions | Thursday, January 19th, 2017 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Professor Ronen Rapaport, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Two-dimensional dipolar exciton fluids on a chip |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Monday, December 19th, 2016 09:15 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.101 | Professor Georg Raithel, University of Michigan Universal Faraday rotation in topological insulators | Thursday, December 8th, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institut Highly nonlocal optical nonlinearities | Thursday, November 24th, 2016 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Boye Buyens, Ghent University Matrix Product States for the Schwinger model | Wednesday, November 9th, 2016 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Deborah Capecchi, Universität Pisa De-excitation spectroscopy of an interacting Rydberg gas | Monday, November 7th, 2016 14:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Bruno Naylor, Laboratoire de physique des lasers, Paris Magnetism with dipolar atoms | Monday, October 24th, 2016 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Donald White, Auckland University Anderson Localization of Ultracold Atoms in 2D Custom Disordered Potentials | Thursday, October 20th, 2016 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Johannes Zeiher, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching Tailoring long-range interactions via Rydberg dressing | Wednesday, October 5th, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Paul S. Julienne, Joint Quantum Institut, Universität Maryland und NIST (USA) Cold collisions of complex atoms and molecules | Friday, September 23rd, 2016 09:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Rajiv Boddeda, Universität Paris-Sud Optical non-linearities using Rydberg polaritons in a cavity | Monday, August 1st, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25 - 3105 | Christian Schneider, Universität Würzburg Light-Matter coupling in atomically thin materials | Friday, July 29th, 2016 15:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.304 | Thomas Busch, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Engineering of Quantum Systems by Controlling Interactions | Tuesday, July 26th, 2016 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.319 | Mohammad Maghrebi, JQI Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Steady states and dynamics in many-body driven-dissipative systems | Friday, July 22nd, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Patricia C. M. Castilho, Universität Sao Paulo, Brasilien Cooperative two-photon absorption in a BEC of sodium atoms | Wednesday, July 6th, 2016 10:30 h | Universität Ulm, Room N27 -2.042 | Prof. Dr. Harald Giessen, Universität Stuttgart Nanofocusing and Orbital Angular Momentum of Short-Range Surface Plasmons in Single Crystalline Gold Flakes | Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25-H8 | Silke Christiansen, Freie Universität Berlin Correlative microscopy / spectroscopy in multi-disciplinary material and device research | Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 15:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Andreas Schindewolf, Universität Innsbruck The penultimate step to the realization of lattice physics with dipolar molecules | Friday, May 13th, 2016 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Benjamin Sparkes, Universität Melbourne An Ultracold Electron and Ion Source using Coherent Rydberg Excitation | Monday, April 25th, 2016 12:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Quentin Bouton, Universität Paris-Sud Observation of quantum depletion | Friday, March 18th, 2016 09:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Andrew Horsley, Universität Basel Imaging Electromagnetic Fields in Alkali Vapor Cells with sub-100 um Resolution | Friday, March 11th, 2016 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Florian Meinert, Universität Innsbruck Controlling many-body tunneling dynamics in a strongly correlated quantum gas | Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Uriel Levy, School of Engineering and Computer Science; Hebrew University Jerusalem Chip scale nanophotonics for light-vapor interactions and measurement techniques | Monday, February 22nd, 2016 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 4413 | Leonardo Mazza, LabEX ENS-ICFP, Département de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions: the effect of interactions | Friday, February 5th, 2016 11:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Joachim Ankerhold, Universität Ulm Josephson photonics: quantum optics meets quantum electronics | Wednesday, January 20th, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room Seminarraum 0.003 | Ruth Oulton, University of Bristol Coupling electron spin and light spin in quantum dots | Thursday, January 14th, 2016 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room Seminarraum 0.003 | Fei Ding, IFW Dresden Strain engineered entangled photon sources: Electrical injection and Energy tunability | Friday, January 8th, 2016 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Uwe Thumm, Kansas State University Investigation of highly correlated negative ion resonances in photo-detachment and electron scattering processes |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Friday, December 18th, 2015 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Georg Raithel, University of Michigan Rydberg-atom spectroscopy in modulated optical lattices | Monday, December 14th, 2015 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.342 | Rainer Mahrt, IBM Research - Zurich Research Laboratory Polariton Condensation in a Polymer: Towards Quantum Simulation | Friday, December 11th, 2015 09:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Thorsten Pieper, LOT Quantum Design Comparing cameras for Single Photon Detection | Tuesday, November 24th, 2015 09:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Georg Raithel, University of Michigan Hyperfine effects in Rydberg molecules | Friday, November 20th, 2015 15:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Georg Raithel, University of Michigan Rydberg atoms in strong external fields: Part 2 | Monday, November 16th, 2015 10:30 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.304 | Georg Raithel, University of Michigan Hyperfine effects in Rydberg molecules | Monday, November 16th, 2015 10:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.304 | Tara Cubel Liebisch, Universität Stuttgart A Rydberg Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate | Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 10:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.304 | Cheng Chin, University of Chicago Optical control of Feshbach Resonance | Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Patrick Everitt, Australian National University Observation of Breathers in an Attractive Bose Gas | Friday, July 17th, 2015 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3-123 | Igor Lesanovsky, University of Nottingham Out-of-equilibrium dynamics and transitions in Rydberg gases | Thursday, July 9th, 2015 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25 / 4413 | Julia Kabuß, Technische Universität Berlin Coherent quantum feedback in the few photon limit | Friday, June 26th, 2015 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Chris Wade, Durham University Optical Bistability and Terahertz Sensing with a Rydberg Vapour | Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | T. Picot + M.J. Van Bael, KU Leuven Confinement of electrons and phonons in nanoscale superconductors | Friday, June 5th, 2015 09:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Richard Schmidt, Harvard University Decoherence of impurities in ultracold quantum gases | Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Guido Pupillo, Universität Strassburg Strongly correlated phases of Rydberg-dressed quantum gases | Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Sylvain Bertaina, Institut Matériaux Microélectronique et Nanosciences de Provence (IM2NP), CNRS, Aix Marseille University, France Coherence dynamic in large spins qubits | Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Graham Edge, University of Toronto In-situ fluorescence imaging of a Fermi gas in an optical lattice | Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015 10:30 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.305 | Boerge Hemmerling, Physics Department, Harvard University, USA Towards a MOT for CaF and prospects of laser cooling SrOH | Friday, April 17th, 2015 10:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Enrique Burzuri, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands Spin transistors based on single-molecule magnets | Thursday, April 16th, 2015 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Christian R. Ast, Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart Quantum Dynamics of a nanoscale Josephson junction probed by scanning tunneling microscopy | Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Tobias Kampschulte, Universität Basel A hybrid system of a membrane oscillator coupled to ultracold atoms | Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Sebastian Loth, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg Quantum correlations in atomically designed magnets | Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Florian Cartarius, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken Structural transitions of nearly second order in dipolar gases | Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Igor Ryabtsev, Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia Radiofrequency-assisted Förster resonances and Jaynes-Cummings dynamics in mesoscopic ensembles of the interacting Rydberg atoms | Friday, February 27th, 2015 10:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Witlef Wieczorek, Universität Wien Towards quantum physics with levitated, micrometer-sized superconducting spheres | Friday, February 13th, 2015 11:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Sandro Wimberger, University of Parma, Italy Non-equilibrium Transport in Dissipative Optical Lattices | Thursday, February 5th, 2015 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Michele Burrello, MPQ Garching Topological Phases of Ultracold Fermionic Gases in Optical Lattices | Friday, January 23rd, 2015 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Krzysztof Kaczmarek, University of Oxford, UK Cesium-filled hollow-core fibres for light storage and manipulation | Thursday, January 22nd, 2015 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | James P. Shaffer, Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Cs Trilobite and Butterfly Molecules | Friday, January 16th, 2015 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Francesco Giazotto, NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Coherent caloritronics with hybrid superconducting quantum circuits | Tuesday, January 13th, 2015 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Lara Benfatto, CNR, Institute for Complex Systems, Rome, Italy Understanding the static and dynamic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless vortex fluctuations in thin films near the superconductor-insulator transition |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 09:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/4413 | Jian Cui, Imperial College London, UK Long distance entanglement in disordered spin chains | Monday, December 15th, 2014 10:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Simon Schmitt, Universität Würzburg Investigation of the morphology of organic solar cells using Raman spectroscopy | Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 15:30 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Steve Campbell, School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen's University Belfast, UK Shortcuts to optimal control: The LMG model | Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 12:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Thomas Karg, ETH Zürich Production and Optical Transport of an Ultracold Rubidium Gas | Friday, November 28th, 2014 10:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Jesus Pérez-Ríos, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Cold and Ultracold Chemistry with Charged and Neutral Particles | Friday, November 21st, 2014 11:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Hendrik Weimer, Leibniz Universität Hannover Variational principle for dissipative quantum systems | Thursday, November 20th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Kaden Hazzard, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA The miracle of molecules: far-from-equilibrium quantum magnetism in ultracold matter | Thursday, November 13th, 2014 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4402 | Lingzhen Guo, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden Synthesizing Lattice Structure in Phase Space | Friday, October 31st, 2014 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Kenji Ohmori, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Tokyo, Japan Ultrafast electron dynamics beyond mean-field in a strongly-correlated ultracold Rydberg gas | Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 13:30 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | David Petrosyan, Institute of Electronic Structure \& Laser Foundation for Research \& Technology, Heraklion, Greece Correlations of Rydberg excitations in optically-driven dissipative atomic ensembles | Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Joseph H. Thywissen, University of Toronto, Canada Spin transport in the unitary Fermi gas | Monday, October 13th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Nicolas Tolazzi, Universität Mainz A Single Ion Heat Engine | Monday, October 13th, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.101 | Mariusz Semczuk, University of British Columbia, Canada Atom-molecule dark states in quantum gases of $^6$Li | Friday, September 12th, 2014 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Asaf Paris-Mandoki, University of Nottingham, UK Towards Ultracold Mixtures of Lithium and Cesium | Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Giovanni Italo Martone, INO-CNR BEC Center, Universita Trento, Italy Static and dynamic properties of spin-orbit-coupled Bose gases | Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Chris H. Greene, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA Universality in 3-body and 4-body collisions | Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 17:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room N3 | Hidetoshi Katori, University of Tokyo, Japan Optical lattice clocks, measuring the space-time curvature | Tuesday, July 8th, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Eberhard Tiemann, Universität Hannover Mass scaling, Born-Oppenheimer correction and other isotope effects for cold molecules and cold collisions | Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 15:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Amir Feizpour, University of Toronto, Canada Nonlinear optics at few-photon level in cold Rubidium atoms | Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Thomas Lompe, Center for Ultracold Atoms, MIT-Harvard From few to many: Exploring quantum many-body systems one atom at a time | Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D2 A28 | Carsten Henkel, Universität Potsdam Bosonic enhancement of spontaneous emission near an interface | Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Nicola Dotti, University of Florence, Italy Characterization of extrinsic centers in AlGaAs for quantum light sources | Friday, May 9th, 2014 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Bess Fang, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d´Optique, Paris Breathing mode of 1D Bose gases | Friday, May 9th, 2014 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Rick van Bijnen, MPI für komplexe Systeme, Dresden Structured Rydberg Excitations | Thursday, May 8th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Igor Ferrier-Barbut, Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris Experiments on a mixture of bosonic and fermionic superfluids | Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Michael Zwolak, Department of Physics, Oregon State University, USA Quantum Darwinism, Amplification, and the Quantum Chernoff Bound | Friday, April 11th, 2014 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Ivan Mirgorodskiy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Structural and optical properties of nanocrystalline silicon thin films | Thursday, March 27th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D8 H33 | Thomas Dahm, Universität Bielefeld Topological Insulators and Ferromagnets: appearance of flat surface bands | Friday, March 14th, 2014 09:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Stefan Natu, University of Maryland, USA Dynamics of collective excitations in ultra-cold dipolar Bose gases | Thursday, March 13th, 2014 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Lincoln D. Carr, Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA Ultracold Molecules in Crystals of Light: A Highly Tunable System for Exploring Novel Materials and Quantum Physics | Monday, March 10th, 2014 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Sapan Ranjita, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India High-resolution spectroscopy in atoms using coherent control | Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 11:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4A19 | Eva M. Weig, Universität Konstanz Damping, coherence and control of high Q nanomechanical string resonators | Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 15:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D8 H33 | Francesco A. Narducci, Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Md. 20670 An AC Magnetometer and Gradient Magnetometer Atom Interferometer | Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Catherine Laflamme, Universität Innsbruck Hybrid Topological Quantum Computation with Cold Atoms | Monday, January 20th, 2014 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Karl Magnus Westphal, Universität Rostock Exciton dynamics on cold J-aggregates |
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Monday, December 16th, 2013 15:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room C9 G09 | Britton Plourde, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA Superconducting qubits: sidebands, cavities, and vortices | Monday, December 16th, 2013 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.101 | Thomas Busch, Universität Okinawa, Japan Quantum Walks: Fundamental Ideas and Applications | Monday, December 16th, 2013 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Carl Hippler, Universität Innsbruck A home-built high-power Ytterbium fiber amplifier at 1064 nm for optical lattice applications | Thursday, December 12th, 2013 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Maria Daghofer, IFW Dresden Fractional Chern insulators in strongly correlated multiorbital systems | Thursday, December 12th, 2013 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Elena Zhukova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Recent results on low energy electrodynamics of multiferroics, manganites and nano-confined molecules. | Monday, December 9th, 2013 10:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D2 A28 | Peter Domokos, Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity: exploring the Dicke-type quantum phase transition | Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Salvatore M. Giampaolo, Universität Wien Scaling of the entanglement spectrum in one-dimensional systems | Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Fabrizio Illuminati, Università degli Studi di Salerno Characterizing and quantifying quantum frustration: relations to entanglement and correlations, exact bounds, and local and global observables | Monday, November 25th, 2013 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Elisa Will, Universität Mainz High-voltage measurement by collinear laser spectroscopy | Friday, November 8th, 2013 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Christian Koller, University of Nottingham Towards ultra-close trapping on atom chips | Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Sandrine van Frank, Universität Wien Interferometry with non-classical motional states of a Bose-Einstein condensate | Monday, October 7th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Giuseppe Zonzo, University of Bologna, Italy Adiabatic evolution of the XY model in a transverse magnetic field | Friday, September 20th, 2013 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Leonid Sidorenkov, University of Innsbruck, Austria Hydrodynamics and superfluidity of a strongly interacting Fermi gas | Monday, September 16th, 2013 15:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Maria José Martínez-Pérez, NEST, Instituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, I-56127 Pisa, Italy Coherent manipulation of heat currents in Josephson circuits | Monday, September 16th, 2013 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 6.331 | Marc Bienert, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken Towards single emitters coupled to optomechanical crystals in diamond | Friday, September 6th, 2013 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Manuele Landini, LENS, Università di Firenze and Università di Trento, Italy Universality of the three-body Efimov parameter at narrow Feshbach resonances | Monday, July 22nd, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.101 | Herman Batelaan, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln NE, USA A strong future for a weak quantum effect | Friday, July 5th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 0.003 | Achtung: Veranstaltungsort Allmandring 3 Stephen Hughes, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Open system quantum optics with quantum dots and semiconductor chips | Thursday, July 4th, 2013 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Ofer Firstenberg, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Quantum nonlinear optics with Rydberg polaritons | Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Vladimir Gurman, Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS, Perslavl-Zalessky, Russia Optimization of Excitation Transfer in a Spin Chain | Thursday, June 13th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Christophe Salomon, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France Strongly interacting Bose Gases | Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Christophe Salomon, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France From Ultracold Fermi Gases to Neutron Stars | Friday, June 7th, 2013 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Hui Khoon Ng, National University of Singapore Multi-level, multi-photon processes: A hierarchy of approximations | Monday, June 3rd, 2013 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Cornee Ravensbergen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Shaping the Rydberg excitation light | Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Eduard Driessen, CEA Grenoble, France Microwave electrodynamics as a probe for strongly disordered s-wave superconductors | Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Alexej I. Streltsov, Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg Towards quantum systems with customized inter-particle interactions | Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 16:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room Gebäude E/N12 | George Crabtree, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA From Quanta to the Continuum: Opportunities for Mesoscale Science | Thursday, April 25th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Alessio Recati, INO-CNR BEC Center, Trento, Italy Dipolar Gases in one-dimensional optical lattices | Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Rakshyakar Giri, Université Montpellier 2, France Nuclear Faraday effect in n-GaAs | Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Eduardo Mascarenhas, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil A Quantum Optical Diode: Nonlinear-Linear junction | Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 13:30 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D6 A08 | Timothy Benseman, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA Terahertz radiation from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 interlayer Josephson junctions: Progress and future strategies | Wednesday, January 16th, 2013 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Marcello Dalmonte, Universität Innsbruck Trimer liquids and the Luttinger's staircase in ultracold dipolar gases |
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Monday, December 17th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Ioannis Brouzos, Universität Hamburg Ultracold atoms in one dimension: from two to many | Friday, December 14th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O27/2203 | Nataliya G. Pugach, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Method for realization of a phi Josephson junction for a silent qubit | Thursday, December 6th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Ljupka Stojcevska, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Real-time observations of the quasi-particle relaxation dynamics in various complex systems by means of femtosecond laser spectroscopy | Friday, November 23rd, 2012 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Jörg Werner, Intel Mobile Communications GmbH, Neubiberg, Germany Inside Intel: Developing wireless RF Modems for mobile phones | Thursday, November 15th, 2012 15:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Mohammad Hafezi, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland and NIST, USA Theoretical and experimental investigation of quantum Hall physics in photonic systems | Thursday, November 15th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Elena Zhukova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Interplay of charge order and crystal lattice dynamics in overdoped manganites La1-xCaxMnO3 (0.5<x<1) | Thursday, November 15th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Alexander Pikovski, Universität Hannover Quantum phases of cold polar molecules in bilayers | Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Enrique Rico Ortega, Universität Innsbruck, Austria Quantum simulation of (non-)abelian lattice gauge theories | Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/252 | Tobias Kramer, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, Germany Good or bad vibrations from photosythetic complexes? Mechanisms for long-lived electronic coherence in dissipative environments | Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Graham Lochead, Durham University, Durham, UK Spatial distributions in a cold strontium Rydberg gas | Monday, October 8th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Sebastiano Peotta, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Quantum Breathing of an Impurity in a one-dimensional bath of interacting Bosons | Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Jake M. Taylor, Joint Quantum Institute / National Institute of Standards and Techology, USA Synthetic gauge fields with linear optics and beyond | Friday, August 31st, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Takasada Shibauchi, Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan Heavy Fermions in Flatland | Monday, August 27th, 2012 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 (Institutsbibliothek) | Eberhard Tiemann, Universität Hannover Modeling pathways to ultracold molecular ensembles | Friday, August 24th, 2012 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Vincent Carrat, CNRS, Université Paris Sud XI, Orsay, France Improvement of SLM fidelity in hologram generation for laser shaping and cold atom applications | Monday, August 20th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Daniel Kolbe, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Coherent continuous-wave vacuum ultraviolet light by four-wave mixing in mercury | Friday, July 27th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Evgenij Il’ichev, Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Jena Superconducting Qubits: State-of-the-art and perspectives | Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 12:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25/306 | Alexander Rimberg, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA The Cavity-Embedded Cooper-Pair Transistor: a Strongly Coupled Light-Matter System | Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 15:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Lincoln D. Carr, Center for Quantum Dynamics, University of Heidelberg, Germany, and Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, USA Bose-Einstein Condensates in Ring Traps: Topological Unwinding, Strongly Correlated Solitons, and Metastable Quantum Phase Transitions | Thursday, July 5th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Michael Lubasch, MPI für Quantenoptik Garching Adiabatic preparation of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet using an optical superlattice | Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Thomas Lauprêtre, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Université Paris Sud XI, Orsay Cedex, France Coherent processes in metastable helium at room temperature | Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Milena Grifoni, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg Spin-dependent phenomena in carbon nanotubes | Thursday, June 14th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Hamzi Jirari, CNRS, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France Quantum Brachistochrone | Friday, June 8th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Andrew Grier, ENS Paris Thermodynamics and Losses of a 3D Bose Gas at Unitarity | Monday, June 4th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Davide Rossini, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Interacting bosons in 1D lattices: statics and dynamics of topological insulating phases | Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Ibrahima Sock Camara, Aix-Marseille University, France Electron Spin Resonance study of the spin dynamics in three spin-1/2 dimer systems, CsV2O5, VO(HPO4)·0.5H2O and KZn(H2O)(VO)2(PO4)2(H2PO4) | Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Johann Kroha, Universität Bonn Nanodomain formation and electronic transport near the 1st-order Mott-Hubbard transition | Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Ana Akrap, University of Geneva Optical properties of a topological insulator, Bi2Te2Se | Monday, May 7th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/4413 | Zbigniew Idziaszek, University of Warsaw, Poland Universal reaction rates for ultracold molecular collisions | Friday, May 4th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Jaime Santos, Centre of Physics of the University of Minho, Portugal The probability distribution for the work performed by a rotating wave on a two-level system | Friday, May 4th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Philip Holz, Universität Augsburg Renormalisation of an Optical Lattice by High Frequency Modulation | Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 15:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room V57.04 | Hidenori Takagi, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo and RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Saitama, Japan Emergent phases of correlated electrons in transition metal oxides | Thursday, April 5th, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Kazushi Kanoda, Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Exotic phases in organics: spin liquid, superconductivity and massless Dirac fermions | Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Matteo Rizzi, MPI für Quantenoptik, Garching An optical lattice based quantum simulator for relativistic fermions and topological insulators | Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Alexander Pechen, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Incoherent control of open quantum systems | Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/4413 | Gershon Kurizki, Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Chemical Physics, Israel Control of open quantum systems:dynamics, thermodynamics and entanglement | Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 15:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Pierre de Fouquieres, University of Cambridge, UK Implementing quantum gates by optimal control with doubly exponential convergence | Thursday, February 9th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Andrés Greco, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingenier'{i}a y Agrimensura and Instituto de F'{i}sica Rosario (UNR-CONICET), Rosario, Argentina Short-range and short-lived charge-density-wave order and pseudogap features in underdoped cuprates superconductors | Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 (Bibliothek) | Ravi Krishnamurthy, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India Collisional cooling of ions by cold atoms in a combined trap | Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Marco Abbarchi, Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, École Normale Supérieure, Paris Droplet epitaxial GaAs quantum dots as single photon sources on silicon | Monday, January 30th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Dionys Baeriswyl, University of Fribourg, Switzerland The quantum XY chain, a toy model for almost everything | Friday, January 27th, 2012 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N27/ Seminarraum 2.043 (Glaskast | Xinliang Feng, Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz A Journey to Chemical Synthesis of Graphene and Its Applications | Thursday, January 26th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Karlo Penc, Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Budapest, Hungary Long range ordering in SU(N) Heisenberg models | Monday, January 16th, 2012 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Yasir Iqbal, Laboratoire de Physique Theorique (IRSAMC), University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Competing spin-disordered phases of the spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Wednesday, December 21st, 2011 10:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D8 H33 | Patryk Nowik-Boltyk, Universität Münster Bose-Einstein-condensation of Magnons at room temperature | Friday, December 16th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Clément Sayrin , Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS Paris Preparation and stabilisation of a non-classical field in cavity by quantum feedback | Friday, December 16th, 2011 09:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Nicolas Huet, University of Liège, Belgium Towards laser cooling of Iron atoms | Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | David Kalok, Universität Regensburg Nonlinear Transport at the Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Thin TiN Films | Thursday, November 24th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.531 | E.Zhukova, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Moscow Region, Russia Vibrations of quasi-free water molecules in nano-cavities of Beryl crystal lattice | Friday, November 18th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Mattia Jona Lasinio, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Hannover Dipolar physics with ultracold gases | Friday, November 11th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Pietro Silvi , International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) Trieste Tree Tensor Network ansatz states: criticality, boundary properties, and symmetries | Thursday, November 10th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/4413 | Wolfgang Rohringer, TU Wien, Atominstitut Optimal Control and Stochastic Optimization in Atom Chip Experiments | Monday, October 24th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Jose Carmelo, Centre of Physics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal The Hubbard model on a square lattice extended global $SO(3)\otimes SO(3)\otimes U(1)$ symmetry: Some preliminary physical applications | Thursday, October 20th, 2011 09:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D6 A08 | Niels Falsig Pedersen, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark Negative resistance in BSCCO type stacked Josephson junctions | Wednesday, October 19th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Nir Kampel, Niels-Bohr Institute, Copenhagen Light assisted collisions in BEC and first steps towards Raman memory in a dense sample | Thursday, October 6th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Nadja Kolb Bernardes, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Institute of Theoretical Physics I, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Exploring the hybrid quantum repeater | Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 14:45 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Anita Gaj, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow Study of elastoplastic properties of polycrystals based on neutron diffraction data | Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Tara Cubel Liebisch, NIST Time and Frequency, Boulder, USA Laser Cooling for Compact Atomic Devices | Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Alessandro Silva, Institute Abdus Salam (ICTP), Trieste, Italy Statistics of the work done in a quantum quench, fidelity susceptibilities and universality | Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Thomas Pichler, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Innsbruck Linear entanglement entropy and characterisation of quantum simulators for spin and lattice models | Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room QIV N25/4413 | Marc Lapert, Université de Bourgogne, DIJON, FRANCE Developement of new techniques of Optimal Control in Quantum Dynamics | Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 09:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Olivier Dulieu, Université Paris-Sud XI Ultracold Molecules and Spectroscopy | Thursday, July 14th, 2011 16:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Marko Cetina, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA Hybrid Approaches to Quantum Information using Ions, Atoms and Photons | Wednesday, July 13th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Subhasis Sinha, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohanpur, Kolkata, India Superfluid-Mott insulator transition in the presence of an artificial magnetic field | Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 13:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Carlos Bolech, University of Cincinnati Homogeneous imbalanced mixtures of two-component atomic gases | Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 10:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | David Hume, Universität Heidelberg The NIST Al+ Optical Clocks | Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 15:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Rafael Mottl, ETH Zürich Symmetry breaking and fluctuations at the Dicke quantum phase transition | Monday, June 27th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Lindsey LeBlanc, University of Toronto/JQI-NIST Two experiments in the dynamics of ultracold rubidium-87: a tunable double well and artificial gauge fields | Monday, June 27th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/226 | Julian Grond, Universität Heidelberg Optimal control of external state atom interferometers | Monday, June 20th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Eva Kuhnle, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia Studies of Universality in Strongly Interacting 6Li Fermi Gases with Bragg Spectroscopy | Thursday, June 9th, 2011 10:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Sebastian Deffner, Universität Augsburg Energy-time uncertainty relation for driven quantum systems | Monday, June 6th, 2011 10:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/H9 | Paolo Zanardi, Institute for Scientific Interchange (ISI), Torino, Italy The Quest for Internal Equilibrium | Monday, May 30th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Claus Hermannstädter, Research Institute of Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Semiconductor nano-cones and Cooper-pair LEDs for single and entangled photons at 1.55 μm | Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 16:00 h | Universität Ulm (West), Room 45.2.304 | Dieter Gerlich, TU Chemnitz Ion trapping in rf fields: applications in astrochemistry | Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.331 | Matthias Scholl, Universität Kaiserslautern Dissipative defects in Bose-Einstein condensates | Thursday, May 5th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Graham D. Bruce, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK Novel optical traps for ultracold atoms | Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Stefan Scheel, Imperial College London Dispersion interactions with Rydberg atoms | Thursday, April 7th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Huan Nguyen, Universität Heidelberg A Light-Compensated Quantum Memory | Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Krzysztof Brzozowski, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Nonlinear Faraday rotation in an optical dipole trap | Thursday, March 31st, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Phillip L. Gould, University of Connecticut, USA Breaking the Rules: Forbidden Transitions to Rydberg States | Thursday, March 31st, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/H8 | Ludmila Praxmeyer, Warsaw University, Poland Optimizing Gaussian communication for hybrid quantum repeater | Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 09:30 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.101 (Uni West) | Phillip L. Gould, University of Connecticut, USA Control of Interactions between Ultracold Atoms using Frequency-Chirped Light | Friday, March 25th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Jonas Metz, University of Tokyo, Japan Strongly interacting fermions in Tokyo | Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Kasper S. Pedersen, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen Molecular Magnets Incorporating Orbitally-Degenerate 4d, 5d or 4f Ions | Thursday, March 17th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Sebastian Costamagna, International School of Advanced Studies, SISSA, Trieste, Italy Magnetic impurities in low-dimensional strongly correlated electron systems: A DMRG study | Friday, March 11th, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Montserrat Guilleumas, Universitat de Barcelona A dipolar self-induced bosonic Josephson junction | Thursday, March 10th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Shin-ichi Kimura, UVSOR Facility, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan Novel Kondo semiconductors CeM2Al10 (M= Fe, Ru, Os): Anisotropic Kondo effect and CDW-driven magnetic ordering | Thursday, March 10th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 6.331 | Alexander Krupp, Walther-Meißner-Institut, TU München Growth and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Heusler Compounds | Thursday, March 10th, 2011 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Gabriele de Chiara, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Probing magnetic order in ultracold lattice gases | Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Lara Benfatto, CNR Institute for Complex Systems, Rome, Italy Interband interactions and optical sum rule in pnictides | Monday, February 7th, 2011 17:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.304 (Uni West) | Matthew Wright, Havard University, Cambridge, USA Towards magnetic trapping of CaH | Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Gor Nikoghosyan, Universität Ulm Dipolar Interaction of Stationary-Light Dark-state Polaritons in Rydberg vapors | Tuesday, February 1st, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Harald O. Jeschke, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Ab initio studies of low dimensional organic systems | Monday, January 31st, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Manuel Mielenz, Universität Würzburg Trapping of Polar Molecules in a Microstructured Electrical Trap | Monday, January 17th, 2011 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Kristina Meyer, Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg An optical dipole trap for a two-species quantum degenerate gas of Li and Cs |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Thursday, December 9th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Boris Gorshunov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Sub-Terahertz c-axis electrodynamics of La1.875Sr0.125CuO4 | Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Silke Paschen, Vienna University of Technology Anisotropic properties of the Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6 | Friday, December 3rd, 2010 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Johannes Goullon, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Monitorspektrometers von KATRIN | Friday, November 26th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Cheng Chin, University of Chicago, USA Observation of Scale Invariance and Universality in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gases | Wednesday, November 24th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Elena Zhukova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Terahertz spectroscopy of local modes of H2O molecules in beryl crystals | Monday, November 22nd, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Kaden Hazzard, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Exploring the Mott/metal crossover in ultracold alkali and alkaline earth atoms in optical lattices | Thursday, November 4th, 2010 09:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room Raum 45.2.304 (Uni West) | Eberhard Tiemann, Universität Hannover Introduction to molecular physics | Thursday, October 28th, 2010 10:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.101 / Uni West | Dr. Benjamin Deissler, LENS, Universität Florenz From localization to coherence: A tunable Bose-Einstein condensate in disordered potentials | Wednesday, October 27th, 2010 16:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Dr. Haidong Yuan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA Optimal control of quantum systems | Monday, September 27th, 2010 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Ralf Labouvie, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching Towards Single Site Adressing in an Optical Lattice | Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Marcos Rigol, Georgetown University, Washington Generalized Thermalization in Integrable Systems | Thursday, July 15th, 2010 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/4413 | Abolfazl Bayat , University College London Engineering Long Range Distance Independent Entanglement in Kondo Spin Chains | Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Johannes Majer, Atominstitut, TU Wien Coupling Qubits and Spins to Superconducting Cavities | Friday, July 2nd, 2010 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | G. Baskaran, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, C.I.T. Campus, Chennai, India Possibility of Hot Superconductivity in Charged Graphene | Tuesday, June 15th, 2010 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Jiri Vala, Department of Mathematical Physics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland, and School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland Geometric theory of two qubit operations and its control applications | Thursday, June 10th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, Université Paris Sud, CNRS, Palaiseau Anisotropic 2D diffusive expansion of ultra-cold atoms in a disordered potential | Thursday, June 10th, 2010 13:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Martin Weides, Physics Department, UC Santa Barbara, USA Microbridge junctions for superconducting phase qubits | Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 15:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Girish Agarwal, Oklahoma State University, USA Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Nonlinear Optics in Mechanical Effects of Light | Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Markus Müller, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste Purely electronic transport and many-body localization in disordered superconductors | Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.103 | Andrei Sidorov, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia Reversing and rephasing the nonlinear dynamics of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates | Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Pavel Lushnikov, University of New Mexico, USA Collapse and stable self-trapping for Bose-Einstein condensates with $1/r^b$ type attractive interatomic interaction potential | Monday, May 10th, 2010 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Britton L. T. Plourde, Syracuse University, USA Superconducting microwave resonators in magnetic fields | Monday, May 3rd, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Elena Canovi, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Trieste Adiabatic dynamics of a spin - 1 chain with uniaxial single spin anisotropy | Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25 /H 7 | Vortrag entfällt Jiri Vala, Department of Mathematical Physics, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland, and School of Theoretical Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland Geometric theory of two qubit operations and its control applications | Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 09:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room 45.2.101 (Uni West) | Bo Gao, University of Toledo, USA Universal properties in ultracold ion-atom interactions | Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Chisa Hotta, Kyoto Sangpo University Frustrated Metals | Monday, February 8th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Isabelle Steinke, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Universität Heidelberg Hyperfine spectroscopy of the 1s5-2p9 transition - another step towards the implementation of ATTA for 39Ar | Thursday, January 28th, 2010 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Dr. Verònica Ahufinger Breto, Departament de Física, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Coherent control of matter waves | Tuesday, January 26th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Sven Friedemann, MPI CPfS Dresden Quantum criticality and dynamical scaling in YbRh2Si2 | Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Stefan Kirchner, MPI PKS Dresden Continuous zero-temperature transitions and quantum-dynamical scaling |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Daniel Doering, ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics, Department of Quantum Science,
The Australian National University Ramsey interferometry and pumping experiments with an atom laser | Friday, December 4th, 2009 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Sebastian Kraft, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig Bose-Einstein condensation of an alkaline earth element 40Ca | Friday, December 4th, 2009 10:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Thorsten Schwarz, Institut für Synchrotronstrahlung / ANKA, Karlsruher Institut fürTechnologie (KIT) High resolution X-ray diffraction and surface/interface scattering beamline NANO at ANKA | Thursday, November 19th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Michael Hermele, University of Colorado Exotic phases in condensed matter physics | Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 12:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D8 H33 | Prof. Yuri Shukrinov, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russia Phase dynamics in coupled system of Josephson junctions and nucleation of longitudinal plasma wave | Thursday, November 5th, 2009 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Jonathan Pritchard, Durham University, UK Cooperative optical non-linearity due to dipolar interactions in an ultra-cold Rydberg ensemble | Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Nikolay Aksenov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Emerald: collective dynamics of water molecules in nano-channels | Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Tommaso Calarco, Institut für Quanteninformationsverarbeitung, Universität Ulm Optimal control theory of quantum networks | Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 15:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Sebastian Hofferberth, Havard University, Cambridge, USA Cold atoms inside a hollow core fiber - a novel medium for few-photon nonlinear optics | Thursday, October 8th, 2009 09:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room O26 / 4309 | Jonathan Home, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder Scalable quantum information processing with trapped ions | Monday, October 5th, 2009 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Bernhard Huber, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg Towards the Realization of a Polaron Experiment | Monday, September 28th, 2009 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Andreas Jöckel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Glass fiber-based Fabry-Pérot-Resonators with integrated ultra-thin passages | Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Joris van Slageren, School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Molecular Magnetism | Monday, September 14th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Thomas Pohl, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden Rydberg Excitation and Crystallization in Ultracold Gases | Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24 / 252 | Andreas Walther, Lund University, Schweden Quantum versatility in rare-earth crystals | Thursday, July 16th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Prof. Dr. Andres Greco, Instituto de Fisica de Rosario, Argentinien Towards a path integral for dimerized quantum spin systems | Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Ole Niekerken, Universität Hamburg Quantum and Classical Vacuum Forces at Zero and Finite Temperature | Wednesday, June 24th, 2009 12:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Abdufarrukh Abdumalikov, (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research RIKEN and NEC Nano Electronics Research Laboratories, Tsukuba, Japan) Single artificial at Single artificial atom in "open space" | Thursday, June 18th, 2009 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24 / 131 | Giulia Gualdi, Universität Camerino Perfect state transfer and Entanglement generation and
distribution in ferromagnetic long-range interacting spin chains | Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Jörg Sichelschmidt, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden Electron Spin Resonance in Kondo-lattice compounds | Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 14:30 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24 / 227 | Cecilia Cormick, University of Buenos Aires Studying entanglement dynamics in an ion trap | Tuesday, May 19th, 2009 13:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Simone Montangero, Institut für Quanteninformationsverarbeitung, Universität Ulm Criticality, Entanglement and Tensor Networks | Monday, May 11th, 2009 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Dominic Meiser, University of Colorado, Boulder Prospects for a millihertz linewidth light source | Thursday, May 7th, 2009 11:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24 / 227 | Christine Silberhorn, Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts, Erlangen Quanten-Kommunikation mit integrierter Optik | Monday, May 4th, 2009 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Julian Struck, Institut für Laser-Physik, Universität Hamburg Spektroskopie an 87Rb-Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten in unterschiedlichen Temperaturregimes | Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009 12:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Charles Reichhardt, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Realizing Novel Collective Particle Dynamics on Periodic Substrates: From Superconductors to Bacteria | Thursday, April 9th, 2009 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Haruhisa Kitano, Aoyama Gakuin University Macroscopic quantum tunneling in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy intrinsic Josephson junctions | Tuesday, March 24th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Valentin Volchkov, Universität Heidelberg Cooling lithium atoms for future polaron experiments | Thursday, March 19th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25 / 486 | Dr. Alexander Retzker, Imperial College, London Quantum simulations and cooling schemes in trapped ions | Friday, February 20th, 2009 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Prof. Yury M. Shukrinov, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna, Russia Breakpoint features in current voltage characteristics of intrinsic Josephson junctions | Thursday, February 19th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Hans Kroha, Universität Bonn Nonequilibrium Mott-Hubbard Systems Driven by a Strong, Time-periodic, External Field | Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Brian Anderson, University of Arizona Spin Echo Techniques for Magnetic Field Control in Cold Atom Experiments |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Thursday, December 18th, 2008 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24 / 155 | Serge Nzoke, Umeå University, Sweden Study of Numerical Methods for the Time-Dependent Gross-Pitaevskii Equation | Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Charles Adams, Durham University Light interactions in Rydberg ensembles | Monday, October 27th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Emanuel Henn, IFSC, University of São Paulo, Brazil Experimental studies of bosonic quantum fluids in Brazil | Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 13:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Alexander Pikovski, FU Berlin Domain walls in microwave-induced zero-resistance states | Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Angelika Böer, School of Chemistry, University of Manchester Molecular Magnetism – Magnetic Exchange Coupling of Octahedral Cobalt(II) Ions | Monday, September 29th, 2008 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | José Rodrigo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Vortices and multiband superconductivity in NbSe2 studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy using a superconducting tip | Monday, September 22nd, 2008 15:30 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | John E. Thomas, Duke University Searching for Perfect Fluidity in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas | Monday, September 22nd, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Axel Görlitz, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Investigation of an ultracold mixture of Yb and Rb atoms | Tuesday, September 16th, 2008 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Lapo Bogani, Institut Néel, Grenoble Coupling nanomagnetism and nanoelectronics: a fresh look from the molecular and non-molecular perspectives | Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 16:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Dr. Bruce Davidson, INFM-TASC National Laboratory, Basovizza/Trieste, Italy Atomic engineering of manganite interfaces and their interfacial magnetic properties as studied by synchrotron techniques | Monday, July 28th, 2008 11:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Prof. Dr. Ruslan Prozorov, Department of Physics & Astronomy and Ames Laboratory Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Vortex Matter in Type-II Superconductors | Monday, July 14th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Dr. Sandro Wenzel, Universität Leipzig On quantum phase transitions and unconventional behavior in a 2D quantum Heisenberg Model | Monday, July 7th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Prof. Dr. Andrés Greco, Instituto de Fisica Rosario, Argentinien Self-energy and spectral functions for the t-J model in the large-N limit: Comparison with ARPES experiments in cuprates | Thursday, June 26th, 2008 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N 24/252 | Dr. Abraham F. Jalbout, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City Nanoscale Molecular Surface Electron Localization | Tuesday, June 24th, 2008 15:30 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Florence Lévy, DPMG, Université de Genève Coexistence and interplay of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in URhGe | Friday, June 13th, 2008 14:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | PD Dr. Hermann Kohlstedt, Institut für Festkörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich Combining Ferroelectricity, Magnetism, and Superconductivity in Tunnel Junctions – "Neue Abenteuer für Tunnelelektronen" | Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Simone Fratini, Institut Néel-CNRS & Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble Optical signatures of charge ordering: from charge density waves to ordered polarons | Friday, May 30th, 2008 15:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Dr. Kathrin Dörr, IFW Dresden, Institut für Metallische Werkstoffe Reversible strain experiments on strongly correlated oxide films | Wednesday, May 21st, 2008 14:15 h | Universität Ulm, Room O 25/346 | Valentin Batteiger, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching Präzisionsspektroskopie im (extremen) UV | Tuesday, May 6th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Prof. David Guéry-Odelin, Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Guided atom lasers | Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008 16:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room H 07/025 | Michael Fleischhauer, Universität Kaiserslautern Ultra-cold Bose-Fermi mixtures in 1D optical lattices | Tuesday, February 19th, 2008 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N25/H8 | Simone Montangero, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Simulation of time evolution with the MERA | Thursday, February 14th, 2008 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Maria Rudneva, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Investigation of properties of carbon diamond-like films | Wednesday, February 6th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Donatella Ciampini, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa Engineering matter-wave tunneling in optical lattices | Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Paolo Ranzieri, Department of Chemistry G.I.A.F., University of Parma Valence and structural instabilities in mixed stack organic CT crystals | Monday, January 28th, 2008 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Olivier Gorceix, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris-Nord et CNRS All-optical formation of a chromium Bose-Einstein Condensate | Tuesday, January 8th, 2008 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Prof. James Shaffer, University of Oklahoma Cold Cs Rydberg Gas Interactions |
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Wednesday, December 12th, 2007 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Dan Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Optical properties of orbital ordered La4Ru2O10 | Monday, December 3rd, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Dr. Guido Pupillo, Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck Floating crystals and lattices of polar molecules | Thursday, November 22nd, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Dr. Jerôme Estève, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg How to split a Bose-Einstein condensate in two? A direct observation of number squeezing | Tuesday, November 20th, 2007 13:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 4.331 | Dr. Lara Benfatto, University of Rome "La Sapienza" Non-universal character of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in layered superconductor: the role of the vortex-core energy | Monday, November 19th, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Dr. Jacob Taylor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) High resolution magnetometry with solid-state spins | Thursday, November 15th, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room M03 (C-Building) | Dr. Mary M. Cola, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Degli Studi di Milano, and INFN, Sezione di Milano, Italy Entanglement generation in the collective atomic recoil laser | Monday, November 12th, 2007 15:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Dr. Roger Wördenweber, FZ Jülich Vortex Matter and Vortex Manipulation in Mesoscopic Superconducting Systems | Monday, November 5th, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Dr. Igor Lesanovsky, Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Innsbruck Ground state atoms and Rydberg atoms under tight confinement | Monday, October 29th, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Dr. Simone Montangero, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Optimal Quantum Protocols | Tuesday, October 9th, 2007 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Andrea Lucarelli, College of William & Mary, Dep. of Applied Science, Williamsburg Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Imaging of Type II Superconducting Thin Films | Monday, October 1st, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Dr. Gennady Logvenov, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,, NY, 11973, USA Superconducting interface between metal and insulator | Wednesday, September 19th, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Dr. Marcos Rigol, University of California, Santa Cruz Thermalization and its mechanism for generic isolated quantum systems | Monday, September 17th, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 5.331 | Dr. Fabian Heidrich-Meisner, RWTH-Aachen Transport and non-equilibrium properties of one-dimensional strongly correlated electron systems | Wednesday, September 12th, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.123 | Yuki KAWAGUCHI, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology Spin texture in a spinor dipolar BEC | Friday, July 20th, 2007 15:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/251 | Prof. Peter Fulde, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden Fraktionierte Ladungen in Festkörpern | Wednesday, July 11th, 2007 15:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Prof. Dr. Pierre Meystre, University of Arizona Quantum metrology with ultracold atoms and molecules | Tuesday, June 5th, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4A19 | Dr. Matthew John Davis, School of Physical Sciences, University of Queensland Quantum fluctuations and correlations in Bose-Einstein condensates | Monday, June 4th, 2007 17:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D8 H33 | Dr. Irina Grigorieva, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK Vortex configurations in mesoscopic superconductors: direct observation using Bitter decoration | Thursday, May 24th, 2007 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/252 | Dr. Pablo Barberis Blostein, INAOE, Puebla, Mexiko Opacity of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency for Quantum Fluctuations | Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007 10:15 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4A19 | Dr. Igor B. Mekhov, University of Innsbruck, and St. Petersburg State University Strong light-matter coupling in a cavity and free space: parametric interactions in atomic ensembles | Thursday, April 5th, 2007 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 2.136 | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Birkl, Fachbereich Physik, TU Darmstadt
Quantenphysik mit kalten Atomen - von der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation zur Quanteninformation | Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 17:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 3.531 | Dr. Naresh Dalal, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Florida State University, Tallahassee , Florida Comparative NMR and EPR studies of molecular magnets using single crystals | Tuesday, February 20th, 2007 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Prof. Alberto Girlando, Universita di Parma, Italien ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTORS: PHASE PURITY CONTROL
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Wednesday, December 13th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Prof. Charles Adams, Durham University Optical detection of highly excited Rydberg states | Tuesday, December 12th, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Dr. Rudi Hackl, Walther-Meissner-Institut Garching Electron dynamics in cuprates | Friday, December 8th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4A19 | Prof. Takeo Kato, Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo Numerical Approach to Dissipative Quantum Systems | Friday, November 17th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Dr. Anna Posazhennikova, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Quantum top inside Bose Josephson junction | Thursday, November 16th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room 025/306 | Prof. Luca Lusanna, Universität Florenz The chrono-geometrical structure of special relativity: quantum mechanics in noninertial frames and its implications for relativistic entanglement | Tuesday, November 7th, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 3.531 | Dr. Alexander Schnegg, Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin Electron transfer proteins studied by very high frequency EPR at 360 GHz /12.9 T | Thursday, October 19th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Prof. Dr. Bretislav Friedrich, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin Thermodynamic properties of molecules in electromagnetic fields | Tuesday, October 10th, 2006 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room 2.136 | Sebastian Hofferberth, Universität Heidelberg Radio frequency dressed state potentials for neutral atoms | Thursday, July 27th, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 4.331 | Dominic Meiser, University of Arizona Characterization of the coherence of ultra-cold atoms with nonlinear matter-wave optics methods | Tuesday, July 25th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Prof. Arno Bohm, University of Texas at Austin New Results on rigged Hilbert spaces | Tuesday, July 25th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 2.136 | Prof. Dr. Hema Ramachandran, Raman Research Institute, India Quantum Logic with cold atoms using Non-resonant Absorption of Photon Pair (NAPP): a proposal. | Monday, July 24th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 5.331 | Dr. Alejandro Lobos, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentinien Magnetic atoms in quantum corrals | Wednesday, July 19th, 2006 15:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 2.136 | Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley, TU München Measurement and control of spin and charge interactions in a single quantum dot molecule | Thursday, July 13th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25/306 | Prof. Jens Peder Dahl, TU Lyngby/Denmark On the Langer transformation | Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Prof. Jens Peder Dahl, TU Lyngby/Denmark Derivation of the Dirac equation | Tuesday, July 11th, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 5.531 | Dr. Horia-Eugen Porteanu, TU München Electron states in InGaAsN | Wednesday, July 5th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25/346 | Prof. Igor Jex, Technische Universität Prag Quantum networks | Tuesday, July 4th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Prof. Robert Schrader, FU Berlin Quantum Theory on graphs and the Traveling Salesman Problem | Thursday, June 22nd, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25/306 | Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl, ZARM Uni Bremen The Pioneer-Anomaly - Is the Gravitational Physics Within the Solar System Really Understood? | Tuesday, June 20th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room N24/227 | Prof. Dr. Donald Kobe, UNT/Denton Quantum Chaos from the de Broglie-Bohm Approach | Thursday, May 11th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Ulm, Room O25/306 | Dr. Murray K. Olsen, University of Queensland Homodyne measurements of an atom laser beam | Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 3.351 | Dr. Bella Lake, Hahn-Meitner Institut Berlin Critical scaling and the crossover phase diagram of a
quantum antiferromagnet | Tuesday, March 21st, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 3.351 | Dr. Konstantin Petukhov, Laboratoire Louis Néel – CNRS Grenoble EPR detected via magnetization measurement of a Fe_8 single-molecule magnet | Friday, March 17th, 2006 11:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 4.531 | Dominic Meiser, University of Arizona Gekoppelte Dynamik von ultrakalten Atomen und Strahlungsdruck getriebenen Interferometern | Monday, March 13th, 2006 10:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D6 P31 | David Speer, Universität Bielefeld Absolut negativer Widerstand in Josephson-Kontakten | Friday, February 17th, 2006 14:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 2.136 | Dr. Juan José Garcia-Ripoll, MPI Garching Numerical studies of strongly correlated bosonic systems | Tuesday, February 7th, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 4.331 | Dr. Corinna Kollath, Departement de Physique de la Matiere Condensee Universitede Geneve Nonequilibrium phenomena in ultracold atoms | Tuesday, January 31st, 2006 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 4.331 | Dr. Gabriele Campagnano, Universität Delft Circuit theory of quantum transport: weak localization
effects and universal conductance fluctuations | Tuesday, January 24th, 2006 15:45 h | Universität Ulm, Room N 25/ 486 | Prof. S. Haroche, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Quantum information with atoms and photons incavities: results and perspectives |
Time | Location | Speaker, Title |
Monday, December 19th, 2005 16:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 5.331 | Dr. Andreas Honecker, ULP Strasbourg, TU Braunschweig Magnetocaloric effect in frustrated
quantum antiferromagnets | Friday, December 16th, 2005 13:00 h | Universität Tübingen, Room D4 A19 | Prof. Dr. Jukka Pekola, TKK Helsinki Cooper pair pumps for detection of Berry phase and for metrology | Tuesday, December 6th, 2005 13:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 3.531 | Prof. Dr. Sergei Baranovski, Philipps-Universität Marburg Electron glass | Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 10:00 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 4.331 | Thierry Lahaye, ENS Paris Evaporative cooling of a magnetically guided atomic beam | Monday, August 8th, 2005 17:15 h | Universität Stuttgart, Room NWZ II, 2.136 | Martin Zwierlein, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology High-temperature superfluidity in an ultracold Fermi gas |
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